viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

Happy New Year Everybody!

Hope the new year will bring all the things you are working for and I wish it is filled with different colors, happiness, excitement, new things, free time, learning, relaxation, health, family, friendship, good moments and love.

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Posted on December 29, 2010 by ricky_martin

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Y se lleno el vaso de rompopo

No tengo muy claro donde deje mi vaso, pero me aparecio lleno de rompopo y mientras lo agarraba ya no escuchaba los tambores de Septiembre sino que era musica navideña el fondo. Estamos en Diciembre! Y no lo vi venir.
Quienes trabajan en un sistema educativo entienden que nuestra linea de tiempo sigue un curso peculiar, regido por celebraciones y una calendarización específica. Mas o menos va asi: comienzo de clases, marcha de Independencia, Halloween, Dia de Acción de Gracias, Navidad, Semana Santa y Vacaciones. Pues ya estamos practicamente "mas de alla que de aca" y la lista de evaluaciones por hacer no ha disminuído mucho que digamos.
Estoy a una semana de cerrrar el 2010 del año escolar 2010-2011 y espero sea una semana con niveles bajos de cortisol.

Listo! Estrene mi nueva aplicación!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010


These last 2 Mondays have not been the best. They have a subtle way of taking a particular twist as the morning goes. It´s the new "thing" for parents to drop off a new out of school assessment on Mondays..just to let you know...yes, youre not done with updating files, IEPs, meetings, accommodations...and again, everything on hold to start the process one more do list still in step 1 . Not cool.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

back to school

Yep, Im back to this hasn´t been so hard the years before. Im excited to see what experiences I´ll get from this year, but I´m also tired already and in need of more vacations! and they are coming soon anyway..Hooray for September and Independence Celebration!!
and...being a school psych. is good because....? Im on a mission to find out! 2010-2011 im all yours now!

domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

relaxing days are almost over

y cada segundo que pasa...estoy mas cerca del comienzo! El año escolar 2010-2011 esta apunto de arrancar, y arrancarme la paz de dormir mas en las mañanas, el tiempo libre, el desvelarme sin remordimientos y el poder tener un reloj que tenga mas horas. Its almost here...crazy days, tons of work, reports, assessments, meetings, meetings, meetings. Con todo y todo..I love it. Horray for my job and helping kids learn better.

jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

Breaking the Code!

Despues de 2 días de intervencion en lectura..como música a mis oídos la pequeña niña exclama.."Ya entiendo como es esto de leer en inglés!"...she definitely made my day...Eduktiva ROCKS!

lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

Today I learned

Today I learned that...

...days change, you need to break routines as a healthy exercise for your brain. Its good to give yourself a different day. 12/07/12 no se da ni cuenta cuan rápido se arma el futuro que mirabamos para más tarde. 25/01/13

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

brains at work

Oh how I love teaching how to break the reading code! Its amazing to see those little ones get it...priceless task.

sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

coffee, enough background silence, computer, vacations, good room temperature...yep, blogging time. After 9 hectic months of intense work at school..vacation time is here. This is a mega pro of working in the school system! I really dont know how other people can bare with just 1 or 2 weeks off from work a year.

Having 2 free months gives you the perfect time to catch up on so many things that result impossible to do on such a tough schedule from August to May. For me, #1 on my list is getting a little more sleep in the mornings. Thats enough of a reward! Im not a morning person. And I doubt I´ll ever be, but I´ve been enduring mornings for more than a decade or two..and now that I think about it..this sacrifice has paid off! life´s good..cant complaint.

Traveling is another plus!..I had the opportunity of visiting NY (my first NY) and was totally flabbergasted by it! Now I understand all the music, books,tv shows, movies and stories linked to this city. I absolutely loved it! I probably should be writing a whole other entry about it. After NY I also visited the Sunshine, eating, and doing different sort of entertainment we sadly dont have in Hon. as an xtra, I had an unplanned visit to Guatemala and El Salvador...very unexpected but not surprised by our forced trip through these countries.

Vak´s are also a wonderful time to catch up on your reading list, Im proud of having 2 books scratched off already!..the 3rd is in process...not so proud though, that none of them were masters related...:s

Theres so much to enjoy about having free can actually have time to be creative, I can invest relaxed time to my clinic, have a life, blog a bit, drink more water, eat better, get to actually go to the gym..instead of just paying it...everyone out there working at a school understands!..this time is precious, longed and well deserved. Lets enjoy it!

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

desorden predisléxico?

Beware! una cosa es tener el don de envolver con las palabras..pero crear desordenes nuevos creo que no está dentro de las actividades diarias de un licenciado en psicología. Una vez habia visto ya en un reporte x ahi..el diagnostico "Desorden Sensorial por exceso de tutorias"...y ahora el diagnostico de "Desorden Predisléxico"! sera que ya publicaron el ultimo DSM O CIE y no me entero..?.. De acuerdo que hay quienes le llaman predislexia a los indicadores de riesgo de desarrollar un trastorno del lenguaje escrito en niñ@s de edad prescolar, pero llamarlo un desorden como tal, esta un poco fuera de la raya....creo q por los momentos me quedare con la duda sobre posibles cambios en las nomenclaturas diagnósticas (u never know!)..nunca, nunca se sabe!

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Time Flies!bzzzzz..tictoc.....splat!

Still not ready to launch...I think Im starting to live my most busy 5 weeks of the year. End of the school year is around the corner and so many assessing, meetings, report writing to do! Breathing in and out, making to do lists...and visualizing my vaca´s. Almost, almost there!

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

I finally did it!

Despues de procrastinar por taanto tiempo...(bueno en realidad no es procrastinar pq es que en serio hay tanto que hacer!)...lo logre, comence mi blog. Con la intencion de llevarle un hilo a mis ideas y pensamientos y compartir informacion continuamente. I go!!